Have you ever wondered what type of traveler are you and what tour suits you the best? There are many different types of travelers out there and we have a different Food Tour to amaze each one of them.
Read these questions, choose the answer that best describes you and don’t forget to write down your choices. Once you get your score make sure to keep reading to be shown what it means.
1. Have you ever visited Porto?
- A) No, this is my first time
- B) Yes, a few years ago
- C) Several times, Porto is on my retirement plan
2. What type of traveler do your friends say you are?
- A) The Weekender
- B) The Photographer
- C) The Party Goer
3. What’s the #1 thing you look for when planning a trip?
- A) Both cultural and entertainment activities
- B) A variety of amazing landscapes
- C) A happening nightlife scene
4. What’s your biggest reason for going on vacation?
- A) Learning new things and opening up my world-view
- B) Seeing new and exciting places
- C) Relax
5. Pick a sentence that would come out of your mouth easily.
- A) You have to taste a culture to understand it
- B) You don’t need a silver fork to eat good food
- C) No matter what life throws at me, a cold beer will always help
6. Is there a dish you can’t put down?
- A) Yes, I have a thing for cheese. There’s nothing that won’t get better with cheese
- B) Yes, and it might be a dessert – I have a sweet tooth
- C) I’m more of a drinking-person, to be honest
7. What’s your beverage of choice on the road?
- A) Wine
- B) Coffee
- C) Beer
8. Which of these things would you rather eat?
- A) Codfish cakes
- B) Sardines
- C) Lupini beans
9. What’s the most important foreign phrase to learn?
- A) “Obrigada” (Thank you)
- B) Quanto custa esta garrafa? (How much is this bottle?)
- C) “Uma cerveja, por favor” (A beer, please)
10. What would you never eat?
- A) Sardines
- B) Salmon
- C) A dessert made with pork fat
11. You’re looking through your travel photos. What’s in the majority of photos?
- A) Food
- B) Beautiful landscapes and locals
- C) Locals I’ve met in a bar one of the nigts
Nothing tastes better to you than discovering new things that might stretch you a little more than the norm. In your opinion, traveling is all about the museums, the art, the music, the food and just relinquishing all aspects of home and embracing the new culture whilst you are there. Local food and locally-produced wine are what you live for. We invite you to join our Vintage Food Tour for a slice of the real Porto. We can’t wait to show you around!
You are the type of traveler who travels around the globe to capture the natural beauty and have a look at amazing landscapes. You travel because you love seeing new and exciting places. You are more of a “going off the beaten path” type and that’s why the first thing you do after arriving at a new place is going for a walk and explore local neighborhoods. You are the type of people we imagine having already watched all the tv shows travel-related: Parts Unknown, Somebody Feed Phil, Salt Fat Acid Heat, etc. You love to get to know the hidden stories of some of the most important places. You are the most jolly-minded traveler and you simply can’t resist from chatting with everyone that comes your way. Porto is amongst your favorite European destinations, no doubt. When we think about you, we can easily picture yourself sitting on one of our favorite old-fashion restaurants in Porto called Cafe Guarany. This place is one of the tasting locations included in our Downtown Food Tour. Check it out and let us know if we are right!
If you answered mostly C’s, you love partying and you believe the world would be a better place if everybody was drunk all the time. You enjoy walking and you travel mostly to relax and have some fun. You are a real beer lover and we’d love to present you some of the best craft beers of Porto. Book your place today!