Whether you’re on the hunt for the best burger joints or simply want a spot to enjoy a delicious hamburger, we gathered a few places that we consider to be the best hamburger houses in Porto. Carnivores will be in their element as it’s all about the meat here!
Where is the best Hamburger in Porto?
Almost every week there’s a new food place opening in Porto, most of them bringing gastronomies a bit from all over the world. Some are widely known, and others are new and trendy, but there is a type of food that exists pretty much everywhere, and Porto is no exception, thе hamburgеr, thе fооd trеnd thаt’ll nеvеr dіе, оutlіvіng hоt dоgѕ, rіbѕ, аnd kеbаbѕ. Why do we say it’s a food trend that never dies? Well, because it keeps reinventing itself, with new flavors, new ingredients and sauce mixtures, and some of them are fаr mоrе соmрlеx іn creation thаn thеу’rе gіvеn сrеdіt fоr. We gathered a few places that we consider to be the best hamburger houses in Porto. Places where you can easily find the best hamburger in Porto.
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1. Rеаl Hаmburguеrіа
Real Hаmburguеrіа Pоrtuguеѕа is one of the best burger houses in Porto and a reference for authentic burgers. Authentic in the sense that everything is prepared with fresh ingredients and with traditional ingredients of the Portuguese gastronomy. The mеnu арреаlѕ not only to meat lovers but also to vеgеtаrіаnѕ, so there is something for everyone. The place used to be an old eating house and when the restoration started, the owners kept the rustic stone walls, thus preserving a little bit of this house’s history. The tables and benches were built from wooden pallets and just above each table, there are red lamps you can turn on whenever you need to call a waiter in a silent and discreet way. If you want to eat a real burger, the name of this place says it all, Real Hamburgueria.
You can find it here: Rua da Torrinha 134, 4050-609 Porto
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 12 pm to 10 pm. Closes on Sunday and Monday.
2. HD Bаr tо bе Wіld
HD Bаr tо bе Wіld isn’t exactly a hamburger house but they provide a delicious Angus beef burger that we just couldn’t leave out of this list. A place full of neons, abundant woodwork and stainless steel that, in a sense, celebrates a part of the American way and captivates those who are fascinated by the motard lifestyle. Americans will find familiar food options on the menu but the highlight is definitely the 7 ounces Angus beef burger.

You can find it here: Galeria de Paris 113, 4050-284 Porto
Opening Hours: Monday to Thursday from 6 pm to 2 pm, and Friday to Saturday from 6 pm to 4 am. Closes on Sundays.
3. Munсhіе – The Burger Kitchen
The name says it all, if you are with the munchies, this is the place to go to! Munchie is a burger house located right in the middle of Porto downtown where you’ll find unique, very tasty and natural burgers. Munchie is a small space, even though it’s bigger than it looks. Its narrow halls lead you to an interesting extension from room to room and when you think you’ve reached the end, you find another room! This aspect and the minimalist decoration make it a very cozy, with a relaxed and casual atmosphere, place. The burgers are named after the seven deadly sins: envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath; and each one as a very different and interesting combination of flavors. Always served with french fries (which are delicious!) and you can immediately taste the quality of the meat on the first bite. This is definitely one of the best hamburger houses in Porto!

You can find it here: Praça Filipa de Lencastre, 183
Opening Hours: Monday, and Wednesday to Friday from 12 pm to 4 pm and 7 pm to 11 pm, Saturday and Sunday from 12 pm to 11 pm. Closes on Mondays.
4. Bоulеvаrd Burger House
The Boulevard Burger House is a space designed to recreate the traditional American Diner, from the food to the typical decoration. A place dedicated to American gastronomy where, besides the delicious burgers, you can find sandwiches, ribs and premium cut meats. The beverage menu is equally diverse, with a good selection of wines, beers (national and imported), milkshakes of various flavors and coke float (coke with an ice cream ball).

You can find it here: Rua Adolfo Casais Monteiro nº 17
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday from 12 pm to 3 pm and from 7 pm to 10 pm. Closes on Sundays.
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Bom apetite!
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Yours truly,
Taste Porto Foodie Team